Я очень люблю этот скитур: вокруг Pic de Jallouvre: Tour du Jallouvre – 3 перевала, 3 прекрасных спуска, 1400м набора высоты.
stories from everywhere
Я очень люблю этот скитур: вокруг Pic de Jallouvre: Tour du Jallouvre – 3 перевала, 3 прекрасных спуска, 1400м набора высоты.
Оттягиваемся в Шамони. Снег есть, хотя и не завались. Для разминки решили покататься по маршруту Cols des Aiguilles Crochues : Crochues >> Bérard
Part 2. Haute route du Grand-Paradis from Valnontey to Lillaz The first part of our trip is here Part 1. Haute Route from Zermatt to Verbie
map We wanted to combine 2 famous skitour routes: classic Swiss “Haute Route” but in inverse variant – from Zermatt to Verbie – and Italian “Haute Route du Grand-Paradis”. However, the hut Chanrion in the middle of the way was unexpectedly closed. This hut is nearly the only point to link the two Haute routes… Read more »
Tête de l’Aulp par la Rouelle
It was snowing during the week and very cold, thus we expected to have some fresh powder on north slopes. We took a lift to Brevent station (24 euro). We traversed Aiguilles Rouges (massif of the Mount Blanc, Chamonix) by the route Col de Bérard : Traversée Brévent >> Col de Bérard – beautiful “hidden”… Read more »
Easy skitour to Haute Pointe : Versant SE (Voie normale). After difficult week we both were sick and tired. Thus we were not able to do nothing more than easy route of 600 m. We started from Sommand – nice small village with ski resort. It was warm in sun, but pretty cold in shade…. Read more »
Ski tour with Michel Piola and Christian Hug at Tardevant: par la Combe de Tardevant. All week was raining and/or snowing, thus – many avalanches in mountains. But at Chaine des Aravis the situation was better and snow more stable. So, we went to Tardevan.
Circular trip Pic de Jallouvre: Tour du Jallouvre.
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