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Наша попытка взойти на Becca di Giasson или очередной “Ski tour with UniGe and Dominique Roulin” 1-ого апреля.
Ski tour with UniGe and Dominique Roulin. Pointe d’Areu : Depuis Romme Nice and sunny day in Alps with a good company. Even with such small quantity of snow we have managed to find a powder on descent. This this nice ski-tour the ski season was finished for me. Climbing season is coming!
Ski tour with UniGe and Dominique Roulin. Morsulaz-Combe de Sosay-Col du Rasoir Col du Rasoir : Combe de Sosay depuis Morsulaz
It was snowing during the week, thus we expected to have some fresh powder. We traversed Aiguilles Rouges (massif of the Mount Blanc, Chamonix) by the route Col de Bérard : Traversée Brévent >> Col de Bérard – beautiful “hidden” and wild side of Aiguilles Rouges.
Pointe des Carmélites is a peak in Massive Aravis just next to Pointe Percée. We did the route Pointes de la Carmélite : Depuis le Reposoir. After passing the small village Chartreuse du Reposoir, we entered the wild valley of Petit Foron. We took the northern slopes leading to this summit of Pointe des Carmélites… Read more »
Initially the plan was to go to Petit Bargy, but then we arrived we discovered that were was no snow at the start. The next variant was Col de Montarquis. We continued in the direction to Col de la Colombière trying to find some snow. There was avalanches traces everywhere and again no snow. Finally… Read more »
Today we ski-toured to the Col Charvet (2380 m), the Col between Mont Charvet and Mont Chombas. The best description that I’ve found in net is this – Col des Chombas, but it is not exactly what we did.
Nice ski-tour with UniGe to Tête Pelouse par la Combe de Grand Crêt. Finally we have snow. I have broken my ribs 2 days ago, but I could not miss this ski-tour. It was not so bad while we ascending, but getting a bit painful on the skiing down. Nevertheless it did not spoil a… Read more »
Finally ski touring season is open! This year we again opened ski touring season with Petit Bargy: Depuis Le Reposoir. It turns to be a tradition. I had an impression that we we the first who did a ski tour on Petit Bargy in this year. We had a fantastic winter day with sun and… Read more »
Пасха в этом году в Европе была ранняя – это хорошо для скитура. В принципе в начале мы планировали поехать в Испанию в Монсеррат полазить. Специально даже купили миниван под это дело. Но в последнюю неделю перед отъездом выяснилось, что в Испании будет холодно и дождливо. Ехать 10 часов на машине в холод и дождь… Read more »